Thursday, December 15, 2011

Crossfit Workout 15.Dec.11

This has been a lax week for me and crossfit. I attempted a 13er and just did not feel it and felt like ass on Monday so I rested a bit. Not sure what happened on the hike. Did not sleep much at work the past week and hit crossfit pretty good so maybe my body was just tired? Ok, enough of that..

Pain of the day.

Warm up:
row 500m then,
10 Burpees
10 Walking lunge steps
10 Overhead squats with bar (I still have issues with these and can only go about 10kilos over bar weight when in workout).
10 DB thrusters with jump (used 25lb)
10 Medicine ball cleans (20lb ball for me)
10 Back extensions

Bodyweight squat jumps 2x8

Squats 4x6 (50,70,80,85 kg) My progression, still finding optimal weights.

WOD: "Diane"
Complete 21 - 15 - 9 reps for time of:
Dead lift 100kg male/70kg female (I used 90 and could have done the rx)
Handstand pushups (still using band assistance, have issues completing 10 on my own)
My time was 7'05", the fit boys were doing it around 4minutes..

Afterwards I worked on double unders, pull ups, and ring dips. Not going to get any other cardio in today but will, hopefully, get some when I start my 72 hours at work tomorrow.

Here is the Diane demo video for your pleasure..

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

First ice climbing outing of the season

Headed out for my first day of ice climbing this season at Hully Gully with Steve from UpaDowna.  I pretty much missed last ice and ski season because of shoulder surgery I set up a top rope. My memory was a bit off so my top rope anchor made for a bit of rope.

The ice was a bit thin but will take some short screws and very selective placements to limit damage. You can see the brown of the rock coming through, especially on climbers left.

The day warmed a bit and the limited amount of snow remaining was starting to melt, making the left side a bit wet. The warming temps did make tool placements easy and we were careful to preserve the climb and not hack sections off. Evidence of other climbers also made for some easy hooking and limiting our day.

It was a good first day out and took a run or two to get back in the ice mode and attempting to move efficiently upwards. Hoping to really get in some good ice and alpine climbs in this season..